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Other Uses for Donated Funds

 The Pocatello Animal Shelter can only support the thousands of animals it houses while they wait for their forever homes as long as the building itself receives necessary updates and maintenance. Friends of the Pocatello Animal Shelter and shelter staff work together to continuously evaluate  improvements that benefit animal wellbeing. The following are some of the projects undertaken and funded specifically through the generous donations to the Friends of the Pocatello Animal Shelter:

Outdoor Kennel Covers

Outdoor kennel cover.jpg

Outside kennels are used as a method to destress and socialize dogs.  Previously, these were completely open above the surrounding chain link enclosures.  This constantly exposed the dogs, volunteers and staff to direct sun, which was particularly punishing during the summer months.  


To help resolve this, kennel coverings designed to withstand the wind and snow loads of this area were installed on both the front and south outdoor kennels.


As a result, dogs, staff, and volunteers can find relief during all seasons from rain, sun and snow, adding to the stress relief and socialization benefits of these large outdoor kennels.                               

Commercial Washer and Dryer Installation


Since the establishment of the new Pocatello Animal Shelter in 2015, the facility has been reliant on used residential washers and dryers, thanks to the generous donations from individuals in the community.  


In order to keep up with laundering all the animal bedding, cleaning rags, toys, and other cloth materials used to maintain animal health and comfort,

three pairs of these residential washers and dryers were in service at any given time.  However, their limited capacity and periodic breakdowns continuously challenged shelter staff and volunteers in ensuring appropriate bedding and cleaning rags were always available.  This not only had the potential to directly affect the resident animal comfort and welfare, but also required a tremendous amount of staff and volunteer time which could be better used to provided direct contact and comfort to the shelter animals. 


Friends of the Pocatello Animal Shelter provided funding to obtain a Large Capacity Commercial Washer and Dryer, conduct all facility modifications and construction to facilitate installation, and also provided the oversight to obtain all approvals, construction and installation associated with this project.


The Pocatello Animal Shelter processes approximately six to twelve residential washing machine-sized loads of laundry each day. After installation of the Large Capacity Commercial Washer and Dryer, only a few loads of laundry needed to be processed each day to ensure clean laundered materials are always available for animals of the Pocatello Animal Shelter.  Furthermore, additional time was freed up for shelter staff and volunteers to allow them to provide the close contact and socialization craved by shelter residents.


Privacy Barrier Installation and Mural


The west outside dog kennels are used to introduce dogs to potential adopters and to provide for stress relief, exercise and play with staff and volunteers.  With open chain link fencing all around these kennels, unnecessary distractions to the dogs can not only affect the interaction between dogs and potential adopters but reduce the ability of the outside kennels to lessen the stresses caused by shelter confinement.


A balance between the openness of the outside kennel and limiting distractions needed to be provided. Because these kennels are exposed to automobile traffic, parking lot and side walk activity. A barrier needed to be erected on the kennel’s west side.  However, the large exposed bare surface of a barrier on the west side may present an open invitation for potential vandalization graffiti.  As a result, it was determined that the barrier’s exposed external surface area would also need to be painted.


As a result, a barrier was erected on the west side of the existing outside kennels to provide relief in potential distractions.  In addition, a local artist was contracted to provide a mural on the exposed surface.  This mural helps to discourage future vandalization graffiti and provide for easier cleanup (the mural has an anti-graffiti coating to aid in restoration from graffiti) in addition to beautifying our Shelter.

Outside Kennel Concrete Installation
The outside dog kennels on the south and west side of the facility were initially constructed with artificial turf laid over a gravel surface for ground cover.  The initial intension for this surface was to imitate natural grass for playing.  However, the artificial turf started to fall apart and fragment contributing to potential hazards for animals, staff, and volunteers.  In addition, the turf was very difficult to clean and sanitize sufficiently to prevent potential spread of bacteria and disease.
The outside dog kennels on the south side had been previously resurfaced with concrete using a Confidence Grant for the Pocatello Animal Shelter.  However, the west outside dog kennels remain surfaced with artificial turf.  The turf, and associated subsurface, needed to be replaced with concrete similar to that performed on the south outside dog kennels.
As a result of the west outside kennels being resurfaced with concrete versus the previously installed artificial turf, the walking/playing surface can be more confidently cleaned/sanitized and there will be no more material degradation.  Furthermore, additional time was freed up to allow more time for the shelter staff and volunteers to provide the close contact and socialization craved by all shelter residents.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program Cat Kennels

As part of an overall effort to bring the Pocatello Animal Shelter towards achieving a no-kill status and to reduce the Pocatello feral cat population, the Pocatello Animal Shelter implemented a Community Cat Program or Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program.  
Implementation of this program required the shelter to designate specific cat kennels internal to the shelter to house feral cats during the TNR process.  This not only placed the TNR cats in close vicinity to socialized cats, but also limited available kennels when an influx of socialized cats needed to be housed.


In order to alleviate these issues and to provide space to house feral cats if additional holding times following spay/neutering are needed, cat kennels were constructed and placed in the garage area of the shelter.


These kennels not only provide additional space to house cats that are being processed through the TNR program in a safe, sanitary, and temperature control environment, it will also help the TNR program administrator keep feral and socialized cats separated at a larger greater distance.

Friends of the Pocatello Animal Shelter
P.O. Box 281
Pocatello, ID 83204

Copyright 2023 Friends of the Pocatello Animal Shelter. All Rights Reserved.

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